Hello, I'm

Gajendra Pandeya

Mobile App Developer

About Me

My name is Gajendra Pandeya. I'm 23 years old. I live at Bhaktapur. I am currently studying Bsc. Csit at Bhaktapur Multiple Campus. I also have been learning a lot on my own about various new technologies and to enhance the skills.

I started learning Android App Developement about 2 years ago. Since then I have built various android apps. Currently I'm working at Cocolabs Solutions as a mobile app developer.


Memory King

Memory King is a customizable memory game, 100% free. Play one of the pre-defined games, or play a custom game created by you or a friend! You can create your own memory game by choosing photos from your phone.


This app helps people to keep track of a healthy lifestyle by engaging them in physical activities. The app simply has an option to keep track of your run i.e. how long users have run, how much calories users have burnt, what is the average speed of the run and so on...


The very first E-Commerce app for buying Aquarium Products, Animals and Animals related stuffs. The project is still under development.

Covid-19 Tracker

Get the latest news and stats about the rapidly growing Covid-19 through out the world with ease with the help of this app.


This is a complete demo app made using Kotlin and Modern Jetpack Components. The app simply provides the list of dog fetched from the endPoint. It uses Retrofit for Network Operation and Room for caching. The app also have swipeTorefresh functionality.

Repositories on Github


App Development

Development of professional apps including both Native Android Platform and Cross-Platform.

Website Creation

Development of professional webiste, web systems, blogs and online stores.

Semantic Code

Strategy and monitoring for your business, making your app and website appear better and better in search.


Mobile App Development

Website Creation


